Layout of dataTableOutput

Hi guys!

I need to modify the layout of my Output, whats is actually that way:

Then, I need to put Boxes instead of the values (like the "1.39" in the plot), like this image:

In this case... the values inside the boxes is equal the value of the first image... but, inside the boxes. (the colors is just conditions based on the values)

My UI code to call the plot is that:

    tabsetPanel(id = 'mainPanel',
                           width = 12, status = "info", solidHeader = TRUE,
                           title = "Capabilidade - Diametro x Parede",
                           downloadLink('downloadData', 'Download Excel file!'),

My SERVER code is:

  output$ <- renderDataTable({
    name <- paste('Capabilidade - Diametro x Parede')
    matrix <- result.table$print
              rownames = T,
              extensions = 'Responsive',
              selection = list(mode = "single", target = 'cell'),
              caption = name,
              style = 'default',
              options = list(
                searching = F,
                lengthChange = T,
                language = list(
                  pageLength = 100,
                  info = "Mostrando pagina _PAGE_ de _PAGES_",
                  infoEmpty = "Nenhum  registro disponivel",
                  zeroRecords = "Nenhum  registro encontrado",
                  paginate =  list(
                    "next" =  "Proximo",
                    previous =   "Anterior"

Does someone know how or where can I find a way to do that? :sob:

Please check out:

1 Like

It would be usefull! Very thanks, man.

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