Links from citations to bibliography references do not work in `learnr`

In contrast to other R Markdown documents (blogdown, bookdown), I could not manage to get the link-citations: true feature to work with learnr.

I used the R Markdown Visual Editor to include (with Zotero) the references. Everything looked fine, but clicking the link brings me to the first section of my learnr file and not to the bibliography section.

Inspecting the code: The citation "(Cumming 2017)" shows href="#section-ref-cumming_introduction_2017" and the bibliography in a separate section "References" at the end of my shiny_prerendered R Markdown file shows also id="section-ref-cumming_introduction_2017".

In a blogdown post, this would be ok, but the URL for the reference sections is itself an internal link: "#section-reference". Is this a bug, or did I something wrong?

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