Loop for make web scraping with rvest

Hi Community

Im want scrape this 9 pages, only change the number in the link page=. If I see well, the table node is the same for all pages.
Im try with glue but dont run well

library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts = F)
library(rvest, warn.conflicts = F)

url_dat<- "https://opengovca.com/alberta-child-care?page="

for ( i in 1:9){
reddit_ex <- paste0("https://opengovca.com/alberta-child-care?page=", i) %>%
  read_html() %>% 
  html_nodes(xpath = paste('//html/body/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table')) %>% 
  html_table() |> 

reddit_ex$pagina <- i
 # This show the results only the 9 page, the others are not showed

# ###### other example:

startTime <- Sys.time()
get_cg <- function(pages) {
  cat("Scraping page", pages, "\n")
  page <-
    paste0("https://opengovca.com/alberta-child-care?page=", pages) %>%
  html_nodes(xpath = '//html/body/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table')  %>% 
    html_table() |> 
# Get this error 
# Error in xml2::xml_find_all(x, make_selector(css, xpath)) :
# argument "x" is missing, with no default

df <- map_dfr(1, get_cg)


Im find the code a good help:

resultados <- list()

for (i in 1:9) {
  reddit_ex <- paste0("https://opengovca.com/alberta-child-care?page=", i) %>%
    read_html() %>% 
    html_nodes(xpath = 'body/div/div/div/div/div/table') %>% 
    html_table() |> 
  reddit_ex$pagina <- paste0("pag", i)
  resultados[[i]] <- reddit_ex

todos_los_resultados <- do.call(rbind, resultados)

# Business.Name                          Office.Address               Inspection.                             Date       pagina
# 1                      AGAPELAND DAYCARE CENTRE LTD. Bay 13/15/16/17 Corinthia Plaza, Leduc, AB T9E6J9      2018-06-29   pag1
# 2                    MONTESSORI PLAY AND LEARN (THE)              7730 106 Street, Edmonton, AB T6E4W3      2018-06-29   pag1
# 3                   MONTESSORI SCHOOL HOUSE DAY CARE              4004 114 Street, Edmonton, AB T6J1M6      2018-06-29   pag1
# 4 NORTH ROCKY VIEW COMMUNITY LINKS FAMILY CHILD CARE                 125 Main St N, Airdrie, AB T4B0P7      2018-06-29   pag1
# 5                        LAUDERDALE AFTERSCHOOL CARE             10816 129 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5E5W9      2018-06-29   pag1
# 6          AGAPELAND PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Bay 13/15/16/17 Corinthia Plaza, Leduc, AB T9E6J9      2018-06-29   pag1

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