Magrittr %T>% Pipe Help

I just want to know why this code produces one result on console and one plot just as I expected

mtcars %>% 
  select(hp, mpg) %T>% 
  print() %>% 

But this code doesn't

mtcars %>% 
  select(hp, mpg) %T>% 
  skim() %>% 
  plotluck(data = ., hp ~ mpg)

Can anybody please point out what am I doing wrong??

I think you just need to use skimr::skim_tee

mtcars %>% 
  select(hp, mpg) %T>% 
  skim_tee() %>% 
  plotluck(data = ., hp ~ mpg)

As explained in the doc,

skim will return a tibble and does not print by itself. That is why you get nothing. skim_tee will do that for you by printing the result before returning it explicitly.

Hope it helps.


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