making code more generalizable/cleaner

hi everyone! hope ur Wednesday going good. my goal really is to make the two data frames in one clean line of code, and any other cleaning tip would be great. any helps appreciated thank u so much

x <- function(.data, time_group) {
.data %>%
group_by(!!sym(time_group)) %>%
summarize(cat = n()) %>%

x_year <- full_data %>% x("year")
x_year_month <- full_data %>% x("year_month")

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There are many ways this might be answered; here is one:

full_data <- data.frame(x=1:5,

x <- function(.data, time_group) {
  .data |>
    group_by(!!sym(time_group)) |>
    summarize(cat = n()) |>

xv <- Vectorize(x,
                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

full_data |> xv(time_group = c("year",

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