Mediate - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Ashwin Malshe
Working with Shiny for 1+ years

Abstract: Statistical mediation analysis is crucial in research involving tests of causal processes. Mediation tests require obtaining bootstrap standard errors, which many social scientists do not know how to get. Currently most popular software solutions include macros for SPSS and SAS. Mediate Shiny App intends to bring an open access solution to the researchers who do not want to rely on paid software.

Full Description: Mediate Shiny Dashboard

Mediate is an experimental web-based application, or app, for doing mediation analysis and obtaining bootstrap confidence intervals. I, Ashwin Malshe, am the sole developer of the app. For any suggestions, comments, concerns, etc., please contact me on

Why use Mediate?

  • As Mediate is web-based, all it requires is a computer with Internet connection and a modern browser (e.g., Safari, Chrome, Firefox).

  • Mediate is free. It uses the open-source R software to perform mediation analysis. (It requires some funds to host the app on the web but I can afford to pay for it.)

  • Mediate has a functional graphical user interface (GUI), which gives you granular control over your analysis without writing any code.

  • Mediate shows you all the parameters you used for the analysis including the file name, variable names, random number seed, number of bootstrap samples, and confidence interval. You can simply copy this in a text file for easy replicability.

  • Mediate makes mediation plots.

  • Mediate allows you to export tables and plots in PDF and Word formats.

  • Mediate is secure because it doesn't store your data. After every session, your data is purged from the servers. Mediate currently allows log-in free operation. (I may add the ability to create accounts in the future.)

  • Mediate can read data files in various formats including Comma-Separated Values (.csv), Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx), Stata (.dta), SAS (.sas7bdat), and SPSS (.sav). This makes Mediate software-agnostic.

Category: Research
Keywords: causality, academic, research, mediation, process
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - ashgreat/Mediate
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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