MLB Batting Projections - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

MLB Batting Projections

Authors: Danny Cunningham
Working with Shiny for 1+ years

Abstract: Display player MLB batting projections for the upcoming season. Projections come from a machine learning model built with Statcast data.

Full Description: Statcast data is used to train a random forest model that predicts the outcome of batted balls. The model's predictions are combined with the popular Marcel the Monkey projection system (h/t Tom Tango) to produce reasonably reliable batting projections.

Explore the app to find:

  • Detailed predictions of batted ball outcomes in any MLB ballpark
  • Batting projections for all players (except rookies) for the 2020 season and past seasons
  • Lists of the luckiest and unluckiest batters from current and past seasons
  • A detailed description of the model and the process powering this app


Category: Sports
Keywords: baseball, MLB, random forest, machine learning, sports
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - djcunningham0/Statcast-player-projections
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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