Most common crossword answers with lots of vowels |> Table Contest

Most common crossword answers with lots of vowels

Authors: Richard Bamattre
github, twitter

Abstract: This table highlights vowel-heavy crossword answers from UK Cryptic Crosswords, so puzzle aficionados can easy find common words as well as typical clues.

Full Description: I wanted to explore the Cryptic Crossword data, as found on the Tidy Tuesday repository. A table was a logical choice, since there's a lot of answers and clues, so I wanted to see what kinds of answers utilized lots of vowels, and were relatively common, so I could learn more of these words for my own crossword solving. This was my first time using reactable, and I found it really easy to use and resulted in a nice interactive table with search capability and conditional formatting. I think it resulted in a table that shows a fair amount of qualitative data (~400 rows) but is easy to browse, sort, and make sense of.

Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: reactable
Code: tidytuesday/tidytuesday_2022-04-19_crosswords.Rmd at master · bamattre/tidytuesday · GitHub
Cloud project:
Languages: Built with R: true. Built with Python: false.
Industries: .
Other packages: reactable

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