msaprettyprint not printing to pdf

Hi, Hope you can help. I'm trying as a test to run msaprettyprint in RStudio with the test data in the help menu. I can't seem to create a pdf even though tinytex is installed. I get the error: 'cannot open the connection. No such file in location.' Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling tinytex. The tempfile step also seems to need the absolute path - placing the "." means it can't find the file. Any help would be great thanks.

tmpFile <- tempfile(pattern="msa",tmpdir="C:\Users\b\Documents\IGHV\",fileext=".pdf")
[1] "C:\Users\b\Documents\IGHV\msa1c3c59e851b0.pdf"
msaPrettyPrint(myFirstAlignment, file=tmpFile, output="pdf",showNames="left",

  •            showLogo="top",showConsensus = "bottom",logoColors = "rasmol",
  •            verbose=FALSE,askForOverwrite=FALSE)

Error in texi2dvi(texfile, quiet = !verbose, pdf = identical(output, "pdf"), :
unable to run pdflatex on 'C:\Users\b\Documents\IGHV\msa1c3c59e851b0.tex'
LaTeX errors:
!pdfTeX error: pdflatex.exe (file c:/Users/b/AppData/Roaming/TinyTeX/texmf-var/
fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/ fflush() failed (Bad file descriptor)
==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

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