My ShinyApp seems to work but it disconnects from the server


I have created a simple shiny app to visualize some omics data coming from our lab. Source code here:

After deploying with rsconnectI got some issues:

Preparing to deploy application...
Update application currently deployed at [Y/n] Y
Uploading bundle for application: 3517266...DONE
Deploying bundle: 4304007 for application: 3517266 ...
Waiting for task: 883454735
  building: Parsing manifest
################################ Begin Task Log ################################ 
################################# End Task Log ################################# 
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 883454740 failed: Error parsing manifest: Unable to determine package source for Bioconductor package RBGL: Repository must be specified
In addition: Warning messages:
1: invalid uid value replaced by that for user 'nobody' 
2: invalid gid value replaced by that for user 'nobody'

Nevertheless, the app seems to work correctly, but if I upload a big file (25Mb) it suddenly disconnects from the server, and I don't know exactly why. The same happens if I upload a smaller file (2Mb) and I continue to use the app.

I think it may be related to the memory usage, because I have a maximum of 1GB. Can someone tell me if this is the problem?

Could I solve it splitting the app in smaller apps?


Do you use RBGL in your app ? or use something that has RBGL as a dependency ?

I don't use RBGL specifically, hence it's a dependency from another package (I truly don't know which one).

Bioconductor - RBGL

Depends On Me apComplex, BioNet, CellNOptR, joda, pkgDepTools, RpsiXML
Imports Me alpine, BiocPkgTools, biocViews, CAMERA, Category, ChIPpeakAnno, CHRONOS, clipper, CytoML, DEGraph, DEsubs, EventPointer, flowWorkspace, GAPGOM, GeneAnswers, GOSim, GOstats, MIGSA, NCIgraph, openCyto, OrganismDbi, pkgDepTools, predictionet, RDAVIDWebService, signet, Streamer, ToPASeq, VariantFiltering
Suggests Me BiocCaseStudies, DEGraph, GeneNetworkBuilder, graph, gwascat, KEGGgraph, keggorthology, rBiopaxParser, VariantTools, yeastExpData

From all these packages, I am using ChIPpeakAnno, thanks.

If I was in your shows, I would attempt a minimal app, that performs some function from ChIPpeakAnno when a single button is pressed. and see if I could first run it locally, and then publish it to

Its reasonable to think that if you can debug it, you can make your larger app work, and if not, you could potentially file bug reports in the right places.