Need help with "Error in object[[i]]: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable" error.

Hi I am learning R from coursera and while doing an assignment I am getting the error stated in the title.
Can someone please help me?
The code snippet is as follows,

preprocess_covid_data_frame <- function(data_frame) {
    shape <- dim(data_frame)

    # Remove the World row
    data_frame<-data_frame[!(data_frame$`Country or region`=="World"),]
    # Remove the last row
    data_frame <- data_frame[1:172, ]
    # We dont need the Units and Ref columns, so can be removed
    data_frame["Ref."] <- NULL
    data_frame["Units[b]"] <- NULL
    # Renaming the columns
    names(data_frame) <- c("country", "date", "tested", "confirmed", "confirmed.tested.ratio", "tested.population.ratio", "confirmed.population.ratio")
    # Convert column data types
    data_frame$country <- as.factor(data_frame$country)
    data_frame$date <- as.factor(data_frame$date)
    data_frame$tested <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$tested))
    data_frame$confirmed <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$confirmed))
    data_frame$'confirmed.tested.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`confirmed.tested.ratio`))
    data_frame$'tested.population.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`tested.population.ratio`))
    data_frame$'confirmed.population.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`confirmed.population.ratio`))

data_frame is also the name of a function in the {dplyr} package. When a function is given no argument, it’s called a closure, which is not a vector or a matrix, so it can’t be subset. If you have loaded {dplyr} directly or with {tidyverse} that’s what’s happening.

In general avoid names of functions, such as data, df, c when naming your own objects.

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Thank you for your response, so I tried changing "data_frame" to "final_table" and tried to run the code and the same error is reappearing.
This code snippet is something I don't know in depth as it is a part of an assignment that was provided to me and now i am stuck and cant proceed further till this step isnt complete.

The function works for me with invented data. Please post the output


where you replace DF with the data you are using.

Here is what I ran.

#Invent data
DF <- data.frame(Ref.= rep("A",173),`Units[b]` = rep("B",173),
                 `Country or region` = rep("C",173),
date = rep("D",173),tested = rep("1,234",173),
confirmed = rep("2,345",173),
confirmed.tested.ratio = rep("3,456",173),
confirmed.population.ratio = rep("7,234",173),check.names = FALSE)
#>   Ref. Units[b] Country or region date tested confirmed confirmed.tested.ratio
#> 1    A        B                 C    D  1,234     2,345                  3,456
#> 2    A        B                 C    D  1,234     2,345                  3,456
#> 3    A        B                 C    D  1,234     2,345                  3,456
#> 4    A        B                 C    D  1,234     2,345                  3,456
#> 5    A        B                 C    D  1,234     2,345                  3,456
#> 6    A        B                 C    D  1,234     2,345                  3,456
#>   tested.population.ratio confirmed.population.ratio
#> 1                   4,567                      7,234
#> 2                   4,567                      7,234
#> 3                   4,567                      7,234
#> 4                   4,567                      7,234
#> 5                   4,567                      7,234
#> 6                   4,567                      7,234

preprocess_covid_data_frame <- function(data_frame) {
  shape <- dim(data_frame)
  # Remove the World row
  data_frame<-data_frame[!(data_frame$`Country or region`=="World"),]
  # Remove the last row
  data_frame <- data_frame[1:172, ]
  # We dont need the Units and Ref columns, so can be removed
  data_frame["Ref."] <- NULL
  data_frame["Units[b]"] <- NULL
  # Renaming the columns
  names(data_frame) <- c("country", "date", "tested", "confirmed", "confirmed.tested.ratio", "tested.population.ratio", "confirmed.population.ratio")
  # Convert column data types
  data_frame$country <- as.factor(data_frame$country)
  data_frame$date <- as.factor(data_frame$date)
  data_frame$tested <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$tested))
  data_frame$confirmed <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$confirmed))
  data_frame$'confirmed.tested.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`confirmed.tested.ratio`))
  data_frame$'tested.population.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`tested.population.ratio`))
  data_frame$'confirmed.population.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`confirmed.population.ratio`))
OUT <- preprocess_covid_data_frame(DF)
#>  country date        tested       confirmed    confirmed.tested.ratio
#>  C:172   D:172   Min.   :1234   Min.   :2345   Min.   :3456          
#>                  1st Qu.:1234   1st Qu.:2345   1st Qu.:3456          
#>                  Median :1234   Median :2345   Median :3456          
#>                  Mean   :1234   Mean   :2345   Mean   :3456          
#>                  3rd Qu.:1234   3rd Qu.:2345   3rd Qu.:3456          
#>                  Max.   :1234   Max.   :2345   Max.   :3456          
#>  tested.population.ratio confirmed.population.ratio
#>  Min.   :4567            Min.   :7234              
#>  1st Qu.:4567            1st Qu.:7234              
#>  Median :4567            Median :7234              
#>  Mean   :4567            Mean   :7234              
#>  3rd Qu.:4567            3rd Qu.:7234              
#>  Max.   :4567            Max.   :7234

Created on 2022-01-02 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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Thank you, I figured it out, I wasn't putting the (DF) in this

I didnt know the relevance of it. Thank you for your help.

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