New Jan 22 2021 RStudio install broke my documents

After upgrading to RStudio 1.4x and compiling a previously working rmarkdown document for beamer slides (pdf,pdflatex), I encountered errors with apostrophes (single quotes) not seen before. The first 'knit' after upgrading resulted in updating rmarkdown to version 2.6. A little digging in the generated .tex file revealed that when an apostrophe was encountered in the .rmd file, the rmd to tex conversion quit, leaving frames open. After I removed all the offending ', compilation went through fine. I then replaced the removed ' with escape' and all was fine. Is this intended? Should I just escape any punctuation marks to be sure they can be compiled to .pdf?


Can you share an example document Rmd so that I can reproduce?

New rstudio version comes with a new Pandoc version. It would be interesting to see if the difference you see is from this Pandoc version.
Previous one was 2.7.3, it is now

Thanks for replying. The mystery deepens and the status is that my document that required several hours of trial and error to 'fix' by excaping the apostrophes now compiles fine and I can't reproduce the issue. I had tried compiling other, related, .rmd files (beamer presentations for the class I'm teaching) and could not reproduce the '-related problem behavior in them. RMarkdown's pandoc_version() gives 2.1.1 so it appears my pandoc possibly wasn't upgraded with RStudio (1.4.1103).
It seems that the problem fixed itself overnight and I'll close this issue. I hope I didn't waste anyone's time on this

Another interesting change since upgrading RStudio/RMarkdown is in Beamer using 2 columns with the notation
::: {.column width="45%" data-latex="{0.55\textwidth}"}
::: {.column width="45%" data-latex="{0.55\textwidth}"}

I'd found this syntax in a forum and it worked really well so I never had the notion to change anything. After upgrading RStudio/RMarkdown the usable space in the columns shrank to 0.55 of the column width which changed the slides and the text no longer fit. Changing this parameter to"0.99\textwidth}"}, so a column defined by

::: {.column width="45%" data-latex="{0.99\textwidth}"}
fixed this. I had fiddled with the data-latex value before but it didn't seem to have an effect on the results. Now the value does seem to matter, which makes more sense.

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That is odd. But glad it works now!

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