package ad4 installation

dear comunity.

I need your help to Install package ad4, below I describe the error message .

Error in library(ad4) : there is no package called 'ad4'

install.packages("~/Downloads/ade4_1.7-13-2.tar", repos = NULL)
Error in install.packages : type == "both" cannot be used with 'repos = NULL'

install.packages("~/Downloads/ade4_1.7-13-3.tar", repos = NULL)
Error in install.packages : type == "both" cannot be used with 'repos = NULL'

Hi @Anely,

:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: Welcome to the RStudio Community :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

You can run the following code in order to install the package:


It should work perfectly!

I think that the problem with that command is that you are not stating the correct file extension (i.e *.tar) it should be one of these depending on your OS.


Also, you are making a typo in the library call, it should be ade4 not ad4

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