package ‘ElemStatLearn’ is not available (for R version 4.0.2)

I just learned a class that we need to use ElemStatLearn.
It looks very great and powerful, I enjoy to use it.
I already downloaded it from CRAN for an old version, but I want to know why it was removed?
I did not see any announcement or news from the editor or CRAN, and it is important for if I need to continue using it or I need a new package, anyone has some information?
Thank you!

it seems that it was not maintained, as changes are made to R (its beyond version 4 now) often packages will need to be tweaked. Seems like an orphaned project.

So you mean if I am still using R 3.8, it will not tell me that ''It was removed'?

Its removed from the service that you can install it from. People who have it installed have it installed....

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