pca3d plot customization and package rgl use?

Hello, I made a 3D plot in pca3d and i want to customize it, so if i should use rgl or some other package. And also i want to save this 3D plot as a movie.

df <- tibble::tribble(
             ~SampleName, ~Yellow_A, ~Purple_A, ~Dullness_A, ~Smoothness_A, ~Gritty_A, ~SweetAromatics_AR, ~MustyEarthy_AR, ~Beany_AR, ~Potato_AR, ~Earthy_AR, ~Cooked_AR, ~Cardboard_AR, ~Umami_AR, ~Metallic_AR, ~Buttery_AR,
        "Russian Banana",         6,         0,           9,             4,         2,                1.5,             3.5,         0,          9,          4,          6,           3.5,         4,           3L,          2L,
            "Vermillion",         0,       1.5,           9,             8,         0,                  0,               4,         0,          9,          0,          6,             4,       3.5,           0L,          0L,
            "Masquerade",         6,         0,          12,            11,         0,                  0,               4,         0,        7.5,          0,          3,           2.5,         3,           0L,          0L,
          "Rio Colorado",       1.5,         0,        11.5,           1.5,       1.5,                  0,               0,         2,        7.5,          0,          4,           2.5,         2,           0L,          0L,
           "POR12PG28-3",        12,         0,         9.5,             9,         2,                  0,               0,       2.5,          8,          2,          4,             3,         3,           0L,          0L,
                "Valery",        13,         0,           9,            12,         0,                  2,               0,         0,          5,          0,          2,             2,         0,           0L,          0L,
            "CO99076-6R",         2,         0,          12,          12.5,         0,                  0,               0,         0,        8.5,        2.5,          4,           2.5,         3,           0L,          0L,
           "CO05068-1RU",       1.5,         0,          11,            12,         0,                  0,               0,         0,          8,          2,          5,           2.5,         3,           0L,          0L,
         "Canela Russet",         2,         0,          12,            12,         0,                  0,             2.5,         0,        7.5,          0,          4,           2.5,         3,           0L,          0L,
          "AC99330-1P/Y",        11,         0,          11,             9,         2,                1.5,               0,         0,          9,          0,          6,           1.5,       3.5,           2L,          0L,
              "Atlantic",       2.5,         0,          11,            12,         0,                  0,               0,         2,          7,          2,        3.5,             3,       2.5,           0L,          0L,
        "Purple Majesty",         0,         7,          11,            11,       1.5,                  0,             3.5,         0,        8.5,          0,          4,           3.5,       2.5,           0L,          0L
#> # A tibble: 6 x 16
#>   SampleName Yellow_A Purple_A Dullness_A Smoothness_A Gritty_A SweetAromatics_~
#>   <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1 Russian B~      6        0          9            4        2                1.5
#> 2 Vermillion      0        1.5        9            8        0                0  
#> 3 Masquerade      6        0         12           11        0                0  
#> 4 Rio Color~      1.5      0         11.5          1.5      1.5              0  
#> 5 POR12PG28~     12        0          9.5          9        2                0  
#> 6 Valery         13        0          9           12        0                2  
#> # ... with 9 more variables: MustyEarthy_AR <dbl>, Beany_AR <dbl>,
#> #   Potato_AR <dbl>, Earthy_AR <dbl>, Cooked_AR <dbl>, Cardboard_AR <dbl>,
#> #   Umami_AR <dbl>, Metallic_AR <int>, Buttery_AR <int>

Created on 2020-08-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Here is code:

#> Warning: package 'Factoshiny' was built under R version 4.0.2
#> Loading required package: shiny
#> Warning: package 'shiny' was built under R version 4.0.2
#> Loading required package: FactoInvestigate
#> Warning: package 'FactoInvestigate' was built under R version 4.0.2
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Warning: package 'factoextra' was built under R version 4.0.2
#> Welcome! Want to learn more? See two factoextra-related books at https://goo.gl/ve3WBa
#> Warning: package 'ggpubr' was built under R version 4.0.2
#> Warning: package 'corrplot' was built under R version 4.0.2
#> corrplot 0.84 loaded
#> Warning: package 'pca3d' was built under R version 4.0.2
df <- read.csv("F:/mfa_file.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(df)[1] = "sample_name"
colnames(df)[23] = "O Potato ID"
colnames(df)[24] = "Raw Potato"
df1 <- subset(df, select = c(1,23:31,34:41,43))
df2 <- df1[,-1]
df4 <- subset(df, select = c(1,7:22))
df5 <- df4[,-1]
res.pca <- prcomp(df5, scale = F)

rownames(res.pca$x) <- df1$sample_name
#> Warning: package 'rgl' was built under R version 4.0.2
pca <- prcomp(df2, scale. = F)
pca3d(pca, show.labels = T)
#> [1] 0.11397032 0.08319438 0.06651207
#> Creating new device

Created on 2020-08-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

I found this page for rgl:

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