Performing a shapiro-wilk test on residuals from an LMER and repeated-measures ANOVA

I would like to perform a Shapiro-Wilk test on my data which takes the form of an LMER.

The LMER model is named lmerabsolute.

lmerabsolute <- lmer(transform ~ Target*Type + (1|ID), Errortrial)

Would I be right in performing a shapiro-wilk test with the following formula:


Additionally, I have also performed a repeated-measures ANOVA on another dataset.

Oneway <- aov(data=Errortrialraw, Absolutefirststoperror~Trialnumber+Error(ID/Trialnumber))

Would I be right in performing a shapiro-wilk test with the following formula:

Onewayproject <- proj(Oneway)
residuals <- Onewayproject[[3]]["Residuals"] #here I extract residuals from the 'within stratum'

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