Placing image in Shiny titlePanel

I'd like to place an image in my titlePanel . After reading through this SO post, I put my image in a www folder and wrote this:


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session){

shinyApp(ui, server)

I'm not sure what I did wrong, since it looks like a pretty simple task, but I get a Question Mark icon instead of the NHL logo

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Hi Jason, your shiny example (R-code) should work. It's maybe just a source problem of your image directory. Is your *.R script-file saved in the right directory? E.g.

So, back to your example:


ui <- fluidPage(
  # titlePanel(title=tags$a(href='',
  #                         tags$img(src='nhl.jpg',height='50',width='50')))

server <- function(input, output, session){

shinyApp(ui, server)

Hey Adam,

I figured out my problem: The image doesn't render when I run the code from my R script. However, when I press Run App , it shows up. Hope this helps others.

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