Please help to understand how the third value of print(x) is coming 10 ?

x <- 10
fun <- function(var){
x <- var



Welcome to the community!

Here's the output of your code, and I'll try to explain in the comments in that code that there is nothing wrong with it:

x <- 10 # x is assigned to a value of 10
fun <- function(var){
  x <- var

print(x) # x is still 10
#> [1] 10
print(5) # you're printing a number 5, and it doesn't affect x at all
#> [1] 5
print(x) # x remains at 10
#> [1] 10

Even if you have done print(fun(5)) instead of print(5), it won't matter. The changes inside the function are local (withing the environment under fun), and it will not affect the value of x in the global environment, unless you explicitly specify so.

If you had used x <<- var instead of x <- var inside fun, then the global value would have been affected.

Hope this helps.


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