Plot is redrawn despite using plotlyProxy

My application contains a surface plot made with R plotly and the user can use a sliderInput to specify a level where a contour line (actually a 3D scatterplot) is dynamically drawn. So, when the user clicks on the app's button, the current contour line is deleted and a new one is generated and placed on the plot. My issue; however, is that the use of plotlyProxy and plotlyProxyInvoke do not matter - the surface plot is redrawn and the angle of view is reset, which is exactly what I am trying to avoid. Here is my minimal reproducible code:


ui <- fluidPage(
  h1("My simple app"),
    inputId = "slider", label = "Select contour level", value = 1, min = 1, max = 40),
  actionButton(inputId = "btn", "OK"),
  plotlyOutput(outputId = "plot")

server <- function(input, output, session){
  rv <- reactiveValues()
  x <- y <- 0:100
  z <- outer(X = x, Y = y, function(x, y) x^0.2 * y^0.6)
  observeEvent(input$btn, ignoreInit = TRUE, {
    rv$iso <- isolines(x = x, y = y, z = z, levels = isolate({input$slider}))
    plotlyProxy("plot", session) %>%
      plotlyProxyInvoke(method = "deleteTraces", list(1)) %>% 
        method = "addTraces",
          type = "scatter3d",
          x = rv$iso[[1]]$x,
          y = rv$iso[[1]]$y,
          z = isolate({input$slider})


  output$plot <- renderPlotly({
    rv$iso <- isolines(x = x, y = y, z = z, levels = isolate({input$slider}))
      type = "surface",
      x = x,
      y = y,
      z = z
    ) %>%
        type = "scatter3d",
        x = rv$iso[[1]]$x,
        y = rv$iso[[1]]$y,
        z = isolate({input$slider})

This is not trivial, I found there was a lack of clear examples and I struggled with this... but ultimately I think I have a working example, and I learned some new things that could help me in my own work. :slight_smile:


ui <- fluidPage(
  h1("My simple app"),
    inputId = "slider",
    label = "Select contour level",
    value = 1,
    min = 1,
    max = 40
  actionButton(inputId = "btn", "OK"),
  plotlyOutput(outputId = "plot")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  x <- y <- 0:100
  z <- outer(X = x, Y = y, function(x, y) x^0.2 * y^0.6)
  # precompute iso levels
  iso <- isolines(x = x, y = y, z = z, levels = 1:40)

    ignoreInit = TRUE,
      lvl <- input$slider
      mytrace <- list(
        type = "scatter3d",
        mode = "markers",
        x = iso[[lvl]]$x,
        y = iso[[lvl]]$y,
        z = rep(lvl, length(iso[[lvl]]$id))
      p1 <- plotlyProxy("plot", session)

        method = "deleteTraces",
        method = "addTraces",

  output$plot <- renderPlotly({
      lvl <- input$slider
        type = "surface",
        x = x,
        y = y,
        z = z
      ) %>%
          type = "scatter3d",
          mode = "markers",
          x = iso[[lvl]]$x,
          y = iso[[lvl]]$y,
          z = lvl
shinyApp(ui, server)
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Thank you so much @nirgrahamuk. I am not sure how you found it. I spent so much time looking into it and, as you said, examples in R are not many :frowning:

Actually, I made ONE single mistake! I connected my 2 calls to plotlyProxyInvoke() with a pipe operator %>%. My code works perfectly when I remove it. Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction @nirgrahamuk!!!!

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