Plot not showing despite not showing any error

I was trying to run the demo app within this link in my server. But the plot is not rendering, below is the screenshot:

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by 'the demo app in the link' do you mean


if not , could you try that command.

That application, yes, but not the command .

The code provided for ui, server and

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

was used.

This example is used to to show the problem that plots are not rendering.

We are facing the same problem for any application on shiny.

if theres not clue in the R console, then I would check for javascript issues (developer tools of your web browser).
I'm thinking perhaps if you are running this on a corporate server, you may have firewall type issues. Have you tried to run it on a local machine ?

I think this is hard to debug from a distance, its effectively a screenshot of a broken web element but maybe someone here had similar and can advise. Good luck.

Yes this is a server specific problem. The code works fine on local, but that means different system.

We are trying to use shiny-server for deployment of a dashboard. The plots are not rendering there and we are not getting any errors related to any libraries.

We are trying to figure out the reason for this.

The provided example is used to showcase that not even the base R hist() function is getting rendered.

Yes, I follow you.
if theres not clue in the R console, then I would check for javascript issues (developer tools of your web browser).

Can you point to some specific check of conditions or modules or something related to javascript or developer tools of web browser?

Thanks for your help.

This happened to me once and the problem had to do with missing execute permissions and folder ownership for the shiny user in the application folders. You might want to check on that.

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