Plotting Residuals versus Predictor Variable

Can anyone, please tell me what is supposed to come after my code? Why is it asking for more information?

My code when entered into R:

plot(fitted(lmIS`), resid(lmISno)
+Preformatted text main= "First Year GPA vs. Intelligence Test Score", xlab="Intel. Test Score",
+ ylab="First Year GPA"))

waiting to close the open quote mark

I still get the same + sign even if I close the quotation mark or remove them. I do not understand what I am doing wrong.

I think you need a comma after resid(lmlSno). Is the Preformatted text an artifact from copying?

plot(fitted(lmIS`), resid(lmISno)
+Preformatted text main= "First Year GPA vs. Intelligence Test Score", xlab="Intel. Test Score",
+ ylab="First Year GPA"))

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