plyr/dplyr -- recode values based on multi-column conditional logic

Hi, I am having a hard time re-coding values in a data frame based on conditional logic using more than one column. Here is what I mean from an example. Here we have two columns about a schedule.

The schedule has to be both requested and approved, such that we have schedules that are both requested and approved and schedules that were requested but not approved. I want to capture whether schedules were either not requested, requested and approved, or requested but not approved. How could I capture this conditional logic into one column?

Here is my solution that I bet someone here could improve on :slight_smile: Basically I concatenated the two columns together and then re-coded them to indicate the possibilities.

schedule <- data.frame(requested = c("Yes","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                       approved = c("Yes",NA,"No","Yes","Yes"))

  requested approved
1       Yes      Yes
2        No     <NA>
3       Yes       No
4       Yes      Yes
5       Yes      Yes
schedule$requestapprove <- paste0(schedule$requested, schedule$approved)


schedule$requestapprove.r <- revalue(schedule$requestapprove,
                                   c("YesYes" = "Approved",
                                     "NoNA" = "Not requested",
                                     "YesNo" = "Requested but not approved"))

  requested approved requestapprove           requestapprove.r
1       Yes      Yes         YesYes                   Approved
2        No     <NA>           NoNA              Not requested
3       Yes       No          YesNo Requested but not approved
4       Yes      Yes         YesYes                   Approved
5       Yes      Yes         YesYes                   Approved
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You can use case_when()

schedule <- data.frame(requested = c("Yes","No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                       approved = c("Yes",NA,"No","Yes","Yes"))

schedule %>% 
    mutate(category = case_when(requested == "Yes" & approved == "Yes" ~ "Approved",
                                requested == "No" & ~ "Not requested",
                                requested == "Yes" & approved == "No" ~ "Requested but not approved"
#>   requested approved                   category
#> 1       Yes      Yes                   Approved
#> 2        No     <NA>              Not requested
#> 3       Yes       No Requested but not approved
#> 4       Yes      Yes                   Approved
#> 5       Yes      Yes                   Approved

Created on 2019-04-01 by the reprex package (v0.2.1.9000)


Andres beat me in providing the first answer, but a little bit shortened answer:

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

schedule <- data.frame(requested = c("Yes", "No", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"),
                       approved = c("Yes", NA, "No", "Yes", "Yes"),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

schedule %>%
  mutate(category = case_when((requested == "No") ~ "not requested",
                              (approved == "Yes") ~ "approved",
                              TRUE ~ "requested, but not approved"))
#>   requested approved                    category
#> 1       Yes      Yes                    approved
#> 2        No     <NA>               not requested
#> 3       Yes       No requested, but not approved
#> 4       Yes      Yes                    approved
#> 5       Yes      Yes                    approved

Created on 2019-04-01 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)


I like that a lot & it looks pretty familiar from SQL! Thanks, Andres!

Yes it's pretty similar, you can even use dbplyr and pull data directly from the sql server but using dplyr commands, which get translated into sql code under the hood.


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