Problem saving files created in RStudio 2022.12.0 Build 353 on Citrix

Hi All,

We currently have R 4.2.2 and RStudio 2022.12.0 Build 353 installed in a Citrix environment but are encountering problems when attempting to save R script files to a local hard drive. Historically we have been able to do this without any trouble, however in the most recent version of RStudio, we have encountered a problem in which additional information is automatically appended to the intended local hard drive save path by RStudio.

For example, if we are intending to save a file to:


This will save without any trouble using standard R 4.2.2 on Citrix or previous versions of RStudio.

However, if we try to save the same file using RStudio 2022.12.0 Build 353, the log file reports the following error:

(The system cannot find the path specified) [path: C:/Client/C$/Temp/test3.R]

As shown above, the “C:/” is being automatically appended to the front of “Client” instead of giving “//Client” by RStudio during the save process, as the previous versions do. When saving to the user’s local hard drive through Citrix, users generate an error stating that the system cannot find the specified path specified, even though they have successfully navigated to the save file location in the RStudio IDE. Additionally, this does not happen with other installed software.

Does anyone know how to correct this issue, or respecify that the default save location not automatically be populated in RStudio as “C:/Client/” ?

Here is the full error text from the RStudio log:

ERROR system error 3 (The system cannot find the path specified) [path: C:/Client/C$/Temp/test3.R]; OCCURRED AT auto __thiscall rstudio::core::FilePath::openForWrite::<lambda_a4cefe19389deb375052d1f99f782472>::operator ()(void) const src/cpp/shared_core/FilePath.cpp:1520;

LOGGED FROM: class rstudio::core::Error __cdecl rstudio::core::`anonymous-namespace'::openFileForWritingWithRetry(const class rstudio::core::FilePath &,bool,int,class std::shared_ptr<class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits > > *) src/cpp/core/FileSerializer.cpp:73

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