Problem with plotly


This is my function :

plot.common.offset.refrac <- function(data_table, time_exp, common_offset){
  # Déclaration des variables
  T = time_exp
  dt = T/nrow(data_table)
  # Abscisse temporelle
  t = seq(dt, T, by = dt)
  # On initialize le plot 
  no_trace <- ncol(data_table)
  P_REFRAC <- plot_ly(data = data_table) %>%
    layout(title = paste0("Profils à offsets communs : ", common_offset),
           yaxis = list(autorange="reversed") )
  for(k in 1:no_trace){
    dfk <- data.frame(Temps = t[1:(nrow(data_table)/2)] , Offset = data_table[1:(nrow(data_table)/2),k])
    P_REFRAC <- plotly::add_trace(P_REFRAC, y = ~Temps, x = ~Offset, data = dfk,
                               type = "scatter", mode = "lines", 
                               fill = 'tozeroy', fillcolor = '#000000',
                               name = paste0("Voie ", k),
                               line = list(color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',width = "1px"))

And this is my result, but the right part don't exist...

Because without "filter"

Someone know why plotly create a symetric result ?

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