problems with tibble size?

I want to count the number of existing zeros in each column of a database of 181,000 rows and 330 variables.

i just run the following code:

db %>%
summarise_all(funs(sum(. == 0)))

the result is a full vector of NA, but I do the same procedure with a fragment of the database, and it works correctly.

It should be noted that I do the same procedure, only looking for the NA values

db %>%

and in this case it works perfectly.

db <- mtcars %>% select_if(is.numeric)
#put an NA in there, in the first row of the vs column
db$vs[[1]] <- NA

db %>%
  summarise_all(funs(sum(. == 0)))

db %>%
  summarise_all(funs(sum(. == 0,na.rm = TRUE)))
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Do your columns contain any NA values? If yes, then you need to also supply the na.rm = TRUE argument to sum().

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I have indeed fallen into forgetting that detail, thanks

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