Process / Log Data from Shiny App?

Is there any way to get a copy of the log files or the process data from a Shiny app? This information could be valuable to improving user interfaces, or one could build a Shiny app to engineer that certain log / process data is recorded to be able to make inferences about the user. I've looked a bit online but haven't found anything about how to capture what actions were taken when a user interacts with a Shiny app.

Application logging

If you’re having problems with your application, it may be helpful to be able to see the log messages it’s producing. You can use the rsconnect::showLogs() function to show the log messages of a deployed application.

It depends on the shiny server. If your app is on then the console output will be saved to a dated log file and you can open it from the dashboard.

My company had our own shiny server and they do not generally save the log file. I had to make a special request.

Thanks @woodward ! This seems like the right pathway for what I need. Right now our app is still on, so I'll take a look at what the log file is recording.

Thanks @nirgrahamuk - I should have known to look at the Welcome to Shiny pages to get more information! :sweat_smile:

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