Put color a specific cell when export to excel

Hi community
Im have a data set with many NO EXISTE values because is the output of different merges.

In need export to excel and put one color in this specific cell for make more visual the interpretation.

DT <- data.frame(name = c("ARG","NO EXISTE","COL","NO EXISTE"),
                 value= c(1,2,5,4))

This is an example of expected output



The openxlsx library is great for adding formating to the files!
See: Add conditional formatting to cells — conditionalFormatting • openxlsx


DT <- data.frame(name = c("ARG","NO EXISTE","COL","NO EXISTE"),
                 value= c(1,2,5,4))

# define style for header
HeaderStyle = createStyle(fontColour = "#000000", fontSize = 12, 
                          halign = "center", valign = "center", textDecoration = "Bold",
                          border = "Bottom",
                          borderStyle = getOption("openxlsx.borderStyle", "thin"),
                          wrapText = TRUE)

# define the Style for the highlights 
CellHighlight = createStyle(fontColour = "black", bgFill = "#7ee57c")

# Create new workbook
wb = createWorkbook(title = "Results")

# Add Sheet 1
addWorksheet(wb, "Results")

# Add the data
writeData(wb, "Results", DT,
          headerStyle = HeaderStyle)

# highlight missings for column 1
conditionalFormatting(wb, "Results", 
                      cols = 1, 
                      rows = 1:(nrow(DT)+1), 
                      rule= '=="NO EXISTE"', 
                      style = CellHighlight)

# OR: expand highlight to more columns
conditionalFormatting(wb, "Results", 
                      cols = 1:3, 
                      rows = 1:(nrow(DT)+1), 
                      rule= '$A1 ="NO EXISTE"', 
                      style = CellHighlight)

# Show the workbook

# Save the workbook
saveWorkbook(wb, "Results_Export.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
1 Like

Is good. :muscle:t4:
One things more, how put only the NO EXISTE cells, because I want highlight only this cells.

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