Quarto confluence-html, user links

In Confluence, when I edit manually, it's possible to add a user link by just typing "@" and then you get an autocomplete of usernames. You can then select one and Confluence creates a hyperlink for that user, nicely formatted so it stands out.

I was hoping that I could create a confluence hyperlink to a user in a Quarto document that I publish to confluence. But there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do that. I tried @JohnSmith , [~ John Smith], [~JohnSmith], [~johnsmith], [~ john smith], etc, but nothing seems to work.

Is there a way to do it?

BTW I can, of course just create a hyperlink of the form:
John Smith’,

But I was hoping it would be decorated like a user ref in Confluence, it’s not. Still works as a useable link though.

Can you open this question on quarto-dev/quarto-cli Q A · Discussions · GitHub ?

It is possibly a missing feature

Thank you.

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