Quarto Layout Functionality Funky

I am having the same problems as discussed in this thread:

With Quarto, I have tried to use R to create two (ggplot) plots side by side and the options

#| label: plot_name
#| layout-nrow: 2
#| column: page
#| output: true

do not work. The result is always one plot and then another below that. I also tried to do a column: screen-inset-shaded and layout-nrow: 1 without success either. I also tried messing with the sizes of the plots, but that doesn't seem to have an effect.

I figured out the issue!

So the block I had was


#| label: plot_name
#| layout-ncol: 2
#| column: page
#| output: true

The extra line space between the {r} and the #| lines was getting skipped. (also the code above uses nrow instead of ncol which is a problem.

I think if the only thing between {r} and the #| is new lines, then they should get ignored.


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