Quarto: references chapter/section at top level in ToC after appendices

First, I would like to congratulate all developers working on Quarto. This project was much needed in the data science community.

I am creating a Quarto book. I would like to add the References chapter after all appendices but at the top level in the ToC, not inside the list of appendices. For the References chapter to be displayed at the same level as other regular chapters, I must indicate the filename inside the chapters: config variable like:

  - 01-one-chapter.qmd
  - 02-another-chapter.qmd
  - references.qmd

  - app1.qmd
  - app2.qmd

However, this is a problem if you include bibliographic citations inside any of the appendices, since the general list of references should appear at the very end of all content. Besides HTML, this would also be consistent with the general typesetting convention in LaTeX, for instance, with the KOMA-Script scrreprt document class that Quarto uses by default.

The closest (but suboptimal) solution I can only think of is inserting an unnumbered chapter at the end of the list of appendices:

  - 01-one-chapter.qmd
  - 02-another-chapter.qmd

  - app1.qmd
  - app2.qmd
  - references.qmd

However, this makes the References chapter to be displayed as a child element of Appendices, instead of as a top-level chapter as, I think, it should be.

Is this currently possible? Is there any YAML config option that is not yet documented or I may have overlooked? If that is not the case, I believe this is a candidate for new feature request and I am happy to try to help fix it.

I may be something not currently best supported yet. Would you mind opening this discussion in quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussions · GitHub so that all the dev team of Quarto can see, answer and contribute ?

Thank you !

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