R Markdown won't Knit

    Quitting from lines 9-10 (EDA_1조.Rmd) 
Error in resolve(...) : argument is missing, with no default
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In strsplit(content, "\n", fixed = TRUE) :
  input string 1 is invalid UTF-8
2: In strsplit(content, "\n", fixed = TRUE) :
  input string 1 is invalid UTF-8
3: In strsplit(content, "\n", fixed = TRUE) :
  input string 1 is invalid UTF-8
4: In strsplit(content, "\n", fixed = TRUE) :
  input string 1 is invalid UTF-8
5: In knitr::knit("EDA_1조.Rmd", encoding = getOption("encoding")) :
  The file "EDA_1조.Rmd" should be encoded in UTF-8. Now I will try to read it with the system native encoding (which may not be correct). We will only support UTF-8 in the near future. Please see https://yihui.name/en/2018/11/biggest-regret-knitr/ for more info.

Somehow my Rmarkdown file won't knit into a html file. I've tried reopen with encoding to UTF-8 so far and did not have any luck.

Can someone tell me how to resolve this problem?

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@crystalize123 Welcome to RStudio Community!

When you say you reopened it in UTF-8, do you mean that you followed the advice from Yihui's blog post to change the default RStudio encoding to UTF-8?

Also, do you get the same result when you click the Knit HTML button as you do when running the render() function in the R console?

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