R packages are not loading

Crash Information:

Packages are not working

Description of crash -
I can't load any package of RStudio

Steps to reproduce -

I have uploaded the screenshot of the problem that bobs up

System Information:

  • RStudio Edition: (Desktop or Server)
  • RStudio Version:
  • OS Version:
  • R Version:
  • Your sessionInfo():

Crash Report:


  • RStudio diagnostics report:
  • RStudio application log files:

From Troubleshooting Guide: RStudio Crashed
I have uploaded a screenshot



to give it the version of a dependency that it needs.

I have installed but still the problem exist please. Can you gues another way to solve it?

The message conveys that now it wants vctrs. Either install that or take a bit longer and install tidyverse which will also bring in whatever else is missing.

Just to clarify, they are not RStudio packages since there is no such thing, they are R packages. RStudio is just an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the R programming language.

Just to clarify, they are not RStudio packages since there is no such thing, they are R packages. RStudio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the R programming language

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