Random Forest - Variable lengths differ

I am trying to run a random forest analysis through Rstudio and am getting the following error. Any idea what would be causing this error?


randfor <- randomForest(as.factor(response) ~., data=trainvals, importance=TRUE)
Error in model.frame.default(formula = as.factor(response) ~ ., data = trainvals, :
variable lengths differ (found for 'Class_mnr')

### Run Random Forest

#Load libraries, you may need to install these first
cat("Set variables and start processing\n")
#############################   SET VARIABLES HERE  ###################################
# Read shapefile into R
# Set Parameters:  							
vec <- readOGR(shapefile)			#<===============

# Create a table from attName" field of vec Shapefile
tabAtt <- table(vec[[attName]])
# View number of unique classes in tabAtt object
uniqueAtt <- names(tabAtt)  # View uniqueAtt object
uniqueAtt  # Will be used later in script

# Create imput data for model from vec shapefile

for (x in 1:length(uniqueAtt)) {
  class_data <- vec[vec[[attName]]==uniqueAtt[x], ]
  areas <- sapply(slot(class_data, "polygons"), slot, "area")
  nsamps <- ceiling(numsamps*(areas/sum(areas))) 
  for (i in 1:dim(class_data)[1]) {
    xy_class <- spsample(class_data[i, ], type="random", n=nsamps[i])
    if (i == 1) cpts <- xy_class
    else cpts <- rbind(cpts, xy_class)
  classpts <- cpts
  if (x == 1) {
    xy_allClasses <- classpts
  } else {
    xy_allClasses <- rbind(xy_allClasses, classpts)

# Get data from polygon shapefile for each random sample point
temp <- over(xy_allClasses,vec)

# Create the response variable for randomForest model
response <- temp[attName]

write.csv(uniqueAtt, file = "G:\\fw\\Programs\\Elc\\Projects_Ongoing\\EcosystemMapping\\BeaverRiver_PEM\\R\\Ecosite_UniqueAtt.csv")  #save your list of predicted ecosite types for later

#sets directory


#raster Information


#Creates Variables

VDCH <- raster("VDCH.tif")
TWI <- raster("TWI.tif")
B11 <- raster("B11.tif")
EVI <- raster("ENhance_VI.tif")
DEM <- raster("GEN_DEM.tif")
NDVI <- raster("NDVI.tif")
PFST <- raster("PFST.tif")
SLP <- raster("slope.tif")
# Plots Rasters

plot(VDCH, main="VDCH")
plot(B4, main="B4")

#Creates Raster Stack and renames## could update to rename from list

names(stk) <- c('VDCH','TWI','B11','EVI','DEM','NDVI','PFST','SLOPE')

#Saves stack as S

s <- stackSave(stk, "mystack")

#shows content of stack



#####			Load Previous Saved Raster Stack Into R		######

stk.save <- stackOpen("mystack") 		#<=================

# Note! need to add names to raster stack to preserve layer information
# Import List of Raster Names (Saved when stack was previously SubSet)

# Import list
saved.names <- read.table("InputRasterNames.txt")		#<================
#Change Data Frame to a List and Unlist for vector of Correct Length
stack.names <- unlist(rapply(saved.names, as.character, classess="factor", how="replace"))

# Add names to saved raster sack
names(stk.save) <- c(stack.names)

# Change name of re-loaded raster stack to x.var for analysis below
########x.var <- stk.save
satImage <- stk.save

######    	Create RF Training Data					#######
# Create training data for randomForest model
# Gets the pixel value for sample plots for each raster in x.var object
startTime <- Sys.time()
trainvals <- cbind(response, extract(satImage, xy_allClasses)) 		
timeDiff <- Sys.time() - startTime  # Calculate time
timeDiff  # Print time difference
head(trainvals, 15) #check results
class(trainvals)  #check results

# Run Random Forest
cat("Calculating random forest object\n")
randfor <- randomForest(as.factor(response) ~., data=trainvals, importance=TRUE)

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