Regarding Error in creating summary

the data frame is like
aa = c("q","r","y","v","g","y","d","s","n","k","y","d","s","t","n","u","l","h","x","c","q","r","y","v","g","y","d","s","n","k","y","d","s","t","n","u","l","h","x","c"),

and i trying to create summary for average,mean, percentile

dataset <-  dataa
grp_var <-  "aa"
var <-  "col1"
footer <-  "SS"

grp_var <- enquo(grp_var)
var <- enquo(var)

bygrps_table<-dataset%>%filter(!!!var),!!!grp_var)) %>%
  select(!! grp_var, !!var) %>%
  group_by(!! grp_var) %>% 
  q25 = round(quantile(!! var,  type=6, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm=TRUE)[2],digits = 1),
  Median =round(quantile(!! var, type=6, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm=TRUE)[3],digits = 1),
  Average = round( mean(!! var, na.rm=TRUE),digits = 1),
  q75 = round(quantile(!! var, type=6, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm=TRUE)[4],digits = 1) ,
  N = sum(!!!var)))

its giving error :-
Error in round(quantile(~"col1", type = 6, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = TRUE)[2], :
non-numeric argument to mathematical function

why its giving if column class is numeric

thanks for the reprex, it helped me to quickly look at your situation.

var <-  "col1"

should be either

var <- sym("col1")
var <- col1

and the rest of your code would work to make the bygrps_table

thanks, i forgot to parse expression,
grp_var <- rlang::parse_expr(grp_var)

it works for me thanks....but yours also working

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