Render Scatter plot with Plotly in Shiny without rendering background image

Hello people. sorry for my English.
I use ReactivePoll on server.R to feed my chart data every 15 seconds.
The graph I use is a Plotly scatter plot, but it must have an image in the background that is the floor plan of a set of rooms. Each point on the scatterplot is a sensor in each room.
Every 15 seconds the points on the graph update their data, but the background image also renders.
How do I not render the background image? I want it fixed.
Thank you!!

example of my code in server.R

fetch data from the database:

  shop_instantaneo <- reactivePoll(15000, session,
                                   checkFunc = function() {
                                     con <- con()
                                     max_date <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT MAX(timestampdado) AS max_date
                                                     FROM rtm")
                                     max_date$max_date <- as.POSIXct(max_date$max_date)
                                   valueFunc = function() {
                                     con <- con()
                                     # construct the SQL statement
                                     sql <- "select idrtm, idequip, temperatura, timestampdado
                                              from shop.rtm"
                                     shop_instantaneo <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)
                                     shop_instantaneo$timestampdado <- as.POSIXct(shop_instantaneo$timestampdado)

graph plotly

    andar <- input$tabs
    width <- session$clientData$output_plot_map_1andar_width
    height <- session$clientData$output_plot_map_1andar_height
    npixels <- width * height
    config_layout <- config_layout()
    config_layout <- config_layout %>% filter(config_layout$cod_panel == andar)
    mintemp <- config_layout$range_min
    maxtemp <- config_layout$range_max
    equipamentos <- equipamentos()
    image_file <- "SMO_L1.png"
    txt <- RCurl::base64Encode(readBin(image_file, "raw",[1, "size"]), "txt")
    instantaneo = shop_instantaneo()
    resultado <- merge(x = instantaneo,
                       y = equipamentos) %>% filter(equipamentos$idandar == '1')
    p <- plot_ly(x = resultado$xposition, y = resultado$yposition, 
                 type = 'scatter',
                 hoverinfo = 'text',
                 text = ~paste("Nome do Sensor:",resultado$nome,
                               "<br>Temperatura: ", (resultado$temperatura)/100, 
                               "ºC<br>Localização: ", resultado$referencia), 
                 color = (resultado$temperatura)/100,
                 colors = colorRamp(c(config_layout$color_min,config_layout$color_med, config_layout$color_max)),
                 mode = "markers",
                 marker = list(size = (20*npixels)/1055200)) %>%
      colorbar (title= "Temperatura:\n <br>", limits = c(mintemp,maxtemp)) %>%
        images = list(
            source =  paste('data:image/png;base64', txt, sep=','),
            layer ="below",
            xref = 'x',
            yref = 'y',
            x = 0,
            y = 1,
            sizex = 1,
            sizey = 1,
            sizing = "stretch",
            opacity = 0.9
        xaxis = list(range = c(0, 1), showgrid = FALSE, visible = FALSE),
        yaxis = list(range = c(0, 1), showgrid = FALSE, visible = FALSE),
        height = width/3)

excerpt from ui.r

tabPanel('1º Andar', 
                                            icon = icon("list-ol"), 

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