Response Surface development for Design Variables

How should I generate a response surface from a set of design variables in which few variables are same? I have 82 variables and 400 samples. Out of 26 variables are unchanged in the process. I need to develop a response surface for the result using these 82 variables. The result involves the effect of unchanged variables too. How can I do it?

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I would really encourage you to review the following guide, FAQ: Tips for writing R-related questions.
For example, the guide emphasizes asking coding questions with a reprex. You may have noticed that many people here request issues come in the form of a minimal reprex, that's because asking questions this way saves answerers a lot of time helping you get your issue resolved, reducing the number of back-and-forths requires.

With the information given, I am not sure you'll get much more help than pointers to resources like CRAN introductions and vignettes.

Here's one guide: Response-Surface Methods in R, Using rsm

Response-surface illustration

Thank you for your message. I am new to this community and I didn't know how to narrate the questions. Thank you. I will update the question with relevant data.

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