Reticulate and python scripts

Upon spinning up a new project from within my workspace, I was testing the concept of writing python code via the Cloud interface.

From the terminal, python shows a 2.7 repl, but after install reticulate with install.packages, I am getting the following error:


And after going to the terminal, and attempting to pip install pandas, I saw this error:

Which I completely understand, but perhaps the options to code up in python are removed in RStudio Cloud, to avoid others from chasing this same idea.

I'm not sure why you need to install reticulate to use "raw" python from the terminal. But pip install --user pandas worked for me.


Ahh, --user did the trick, excellent thank you. As to why, there is nothing that can compare to RStudio as an IDE for writing code, and when having to work in python, this now presents a really viable use case to explore; a great IDE and extend the coding tools RStudio gives us beyond the R language.

Thanks again.

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