Rmarkdown citation search Zotero

Hello, our team has recently started using the zotero reference library function within citations search and insertion in Rmarkdown. However, when searching within a zotero library within rmarkdown the search function is so appalling as to be almost useless. For example the actual verbatim document title, pasted in the search bar will not return just the one reference but many (Given the title was "Australian XXXXXXXXXXX" and many references have that first word). A unique authors name ( no other authors with that name in the library) also returns multiple search results. ( in contrast the search function within Zotero desktop will return single references when the input criteria are unique within the library no problems).

Anybody else had this problem and any suggestions for work arounds or tweaks ( obv a bibliography pre-exported from zotero is a possibility but the full library is then once removed from the rmarkdown document (so to speak)).

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