RStudio IDE terminal windows still shows a 'busy' status.

Moved from: Cannot use terminal: no window contents

I'm trying to use the terminal windows in RStudio but it shows a 'busy' status in a blank windows.

I tried to closed it, close everything and re-open it and nothing.

I also have tried turning off all the terminal options but doesn't work. My terminal windows still shows a 'busy' status.

Here is what the terminal diagnostic shows:

Global Terminal Information
Loaded TerminalSessions: 1
Handle: '79FB468A' Caption: 'Terminal 2'

Terminal List Count: 1
Handle: '79FB468A' Caption: 'Terminal 2' Session Created: true

Current Terminal Session Information
Caption:     'Terminal 2'
Title:       ''
Cols x Rows  '149 x 31'
Shell:       'Bash'
Handle:      '79FB468A'
Sequence:    '2'
Restarted:   'false
Busy:        'true'
Exit Code:   'null'
Full screen: 'client=false/server=false'
Zombie:      'false'
Track Env    'true'
Local-echo:  'true'
Working Dir: 'Default'
Interactive: 'Always'
WebSockets:  'true'
Typing lag:  '0ms'

System Information
Desktop:    'false'
Platform:   'Mac'
Browser:    'Chrome'

Connection Information
2018/11/26 14:50:35: Connect WebSocket: 'ws://localhost:8787/p/6084/terminal/79FB468A/'
2018/11/26 14:50:35: WebSocket connected

Local-echo Match Failures

and my sessionInfo():

R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS


You are likely running a shiny app. This app is within your current r session i.e. terminal session. Your terminal should be available as soon as you stop that app.

See documentation here:



Hi @jm_t,

No, this problem happens just when I open the RStudio through a Browser.

I have tried to stop any process behind using the stop bottom or by "Interrupt Current Terminal" but doesn't work, I still have the "busy" status


Then I have no idea. Sorry.

Could be some process started by R as part of the executing some init scripts.
I never used them but I know they exists and can change stuff in R session.



Do you have a custom .bash_profile or similar that might be trying to run code when the shell is initialized that is hanging?

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