Selecting the best values of a data frame

Hi guys!

I am writing my thesis, but I get stuck. Can anyone help me?

My dataframe looks like this:


What I want is a new table that looks like the following:

The table shows what is the best forecasting method according to the MAE, RMSE, MAPE and MASE.

Best method Lowest value

Does anyone have some advice on how I can achieve this?

Hi Teun,

In order to help you quicker and better, can you please provide a reprex? It especially helps if you provide a small sample of your dataset and what the end result should look like.

Hi Lars!

I hope this helps?

data<-	read_excel()
tsl<-ts(liters, frequency=12, start=c(2014,1))
#>          Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Oct      Nov      Dec
#>2014  93.6128 147.5358 238.6348 162.5478 238.3869 407.9096 465.0899 427.7015 487.9975 420.4079 424.8690 485.3066

training<-	subset(tsl,end=length(tsl)-6)
test<-		subset(tsl,start=length(tsl)-5)

meanl<-		meanf(training, h=6)
naivel<-	naive(training, h=6)
snaivel<-	snaive(training, h=6)
#a few more forecasting methods

ntb<-	matrix(c(
	    accuracy(meanl,tsl)["Test set", c("MAE", "RMSE", "MAPE", "MASE")],
	    accuracy(naivel,tsl)["Test set", c("MAE", "RMSE", "MAPE", "MASE")],
	    accuracy(snaivel,tsl)["Test set", c("MAE", "RMSE", "MAPE", "MASE")],
        #the other forecasting methods

colnames(ntb)<- c("MAE", "RMSE", "MAPE", "MASE")
rownames(ntb)<- c("Mean","Naive","Snaive","Drift", "addf", "mulf", "fit_ar", "fit_sar", "txt", "txc", "txtotaal")
#>                 MAE      RMSE       MAPE      MASE
#>Mean      5088.79487  5385.926   78.46649  6.274855
#>Naive     1519.16667  1797.191   30.20313  1.873243
#>Snaive    3319.16667  3518.989   57.34892  4.092775
#>Other methods

The next step is to develop the following table.
With the best prediction method in the first column and the corresponding value in the second.

#>       Best method       Lowest value

Hopefully someone can help me with this.

Alvast bedankt :wink:

I'm afraid your latest post didnt help much.
following the advice of the guide, which I will summarise.
please post the result of


as ntb1 is the object you want to manipulate with our help, and which we don't otherwise have access to.

I agree with nirgrahamuk, but - both being from the "lowlands" - I took the effort in trying to recreate a dataset and tried with a possible approach.

Is this what you're looking for?


df <- tribble(~forecasting_method, ~MAE, ~RMSE, ~MAPE, ~MASE,
              "Mean", 5088.79487, 5385.926, 78.46649, 6.274855,
              "Naive", 1519.16667, 1797.191, 30.20313, 1.873243, 
              "Snaive", 3319.16667, 3518.989, 57.34892, 4.092775,

df %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = MAE:MASE,names_to = "col_name", values_to = "value") %>% 
  group_by(col_name) %>% 
  mutate(lowest_value = min(value)) %>% 
  filter(value == lowest_value) %>% 
  select(col_name, forecasting_method, lowest_value)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> # Groups:   col_name [4]
#>   col_name forecasting_method lowest_value
#>   <chr>    <chr>                     <dbl>
#> 1 MAE      Naive                   1519.  
#> 2 RMSE     Naive                   1797.  
#> 3 MAPE     Naive                     30.2 
#> 4 MASE     Naive                      1.87

Created on 2021-03-02 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

Graag gedaan,

Okay thanks! I'm getting closer!

I try to automate the program completely, so the first step is not optimal.

I can still do this with the help of your code, but I cannot add the forecast_method

  pivot_longer(cols = MAE:MASE,names_to = "col_name", values_to = "value") %>% 
  group_by(col_name) %>% 
  mutate(lowest_value = min(value)) %>% 
  filter(value == lowest_value) %>% 
  select(col_name, lowest_value)

#   A tibble: 4 x 2
#   Groups:   col_name [4]
#>  col_name lowest_value
#> <chr>           <dbl>
#> 1 RMSE          1797.  
#> 2 MAPE            30.2 
#> 3 MASE             1.87
#> 4 MAE             46.9 

The ntb1 table is as follows. sorry for not adding.
First time asking a question here...


structure(list(MAE = c(5088.79487179487, 1519.16666666667, 3319.16666666667, 
1647.37550817214, 1831.48661617148, 1936.12400158197, 46.8793232245741, 
3605.31989627243, 28618.3341970992, 3485.67626446658, 3548.85326904943
), RMSE = c(5385.92567587919, 1797.19137359752, 3518.98917778008, 
2008.47348725738, 2045.7584641563, 2016.76935543134, 3543.89304061995, 
4189.20277632183, 51736.605754416, 4155.50054910879, 4177.41498689721
), MAPE = c(78.4664901470441, 30.2031258777449, 57.3489202049514, 
33.8897040352631, 34.497985767558, 34.1979173250488, 3125.78437656345, 
56.214461999567, 638.54777455328, 54.2022817924072, 50.1330768372487
), MASE = c(6.27485518749612, 1.87324328827628, 4.09277455688669, 
2.03133413973946, 2.25835656257448, 2.38738208967683, 3.85432009039803, 
4.44562235728883, 35.2884931144467, 4.29809303402039, 4.37599488798082
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("Mean", "Naive", "Snaive", 
"Drift", "addf", "mulf", "fit_ar", "fit_sar", "txt", "txc", "txtotaal"

Bedankt voor de hulp!

Hi Teun,

In the dataset I created there's a column forecasting_method where you can act upon. In your dataset it is missing because you have a 'non-tidy' dataset.

See below how you could 'fix' it


df <- structure(list(MAE = c(5088.79487179487, 1519.16666666667, 3319.16666666667, 
                             1647.37550817214, 1831.48661617148, 1936.12400158197, 46.8793232245741, 
                             3605.31989627243, 28618.3341970992, 3485.67626446658, 3548.85326904943
                     RMSE = c(5385.92567587919, 1797.19137359752, 3518.98917778008,
                              2008.47348725738, 2045.7584641563, 2016.76935543134, 3543.89304061995, 
                              4189.20277632183, 51736.605754416, 4155.50054910879, 4177.41498689721
                     MAPE = c(78.4664901470441, 30.2031258777449, 57.3489202049514, 
                              33.8897040352631, 34.497985767558, 34.1979173250488, 3125.78437656345, 
                              56.214461999567, 638.54777455328, 54.2022817924072, 50.1330768372487
                      MASE = c(6.27485518749612, 1.87324328827628, 4.09277455688669,
                               2.03133413973946, 2.25835656257448, 2.38738208967683, 3.85432009039803,
                               4.44562235728883, 35.2884931144467, 4.29809303402039, 4.37599488798082
                class = "data.frame", 
                row.names = c("Mean", "Naive", "Snaive", "Drift", "addf", "mulf", "fit_ar", "fit_sar", "txt", "txc", "txtotaal")

## dataset is not tidy as it contains values as a rowname and not as a separate column
## The values of the rownames appears to be missing
df %>% glimpse()
#> Rows: 11
#> Columns: 4
#> $ MAE  <dbl> 5088.79487, 1519.16667, 3319.16667, 1647.37551, 1831.48662, 19...
#> $ RMSE <dbl> 5385.926, 1797.191, 3518.989, 2008.473, 2045.758, 2016.769, 35...
#> $ MAPE <dbl> 78.46649, 30.20313, 57.34892, 33.88970, 34.49799, 34.19792, 31...
#> $ MASE <dbl> 6.274855, 1.873243, 4.092775, 2.031334, 2.258357, 2.387382, 3....

## let's convert the rownames to a new column and specify the new column name
df_tidy <- df %>% 
  rownames_to_column(var = "forecasting_method")
df_tidy %>% glimpse
#> Rows: 11
#> Columns: 5
#> $ forecasting_method <chr> "Mean", "Naive", "Snaive", "Drift", "addf", "mul...
#> $ MAE                <dbl> 5088.79487, 1519.16667, 3319.16667, 1647.37551, ...
#> $ RMSE               <dbl> 5385.926, 1797.191, 3518.989, 2008.473, 2045.758...
#> $ MAPE               <dbl> 78.46649, 30.20313, 57.34892, 33.88970, 34.49799...
#> $ MASE               <dbl> 6.274855, 1.873243, 4.092775, 2.031334, 2.258357...

## now the dataset can be considered as tidied and will be much easier to work with
df_tidy %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = MAE:MASE,names_to = "col_name", values_to = "value") %>% 
  group_by(col_name) %>% 
  mutate(lowest_value = min(value)) %>% 
  filter(value == lowest_value) %>% 
  select(col_name, forecasting_method, lowest_value) 
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> # Groups:   col_name [4]
#>   col_name forecasting_method lowest_value
#>   <chr>    <chr>                     <dbl>
#> 1 RMSE     Naive                   1797.  
#> 2 MAPE     Naive                     30.2 
#> 3 MASE     Naive                      1.87
#> 4 MAE      fit_ar                    46.9

Created on 2021-03-02 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

I can highly recommend the following book if you want to get a better understanding of the tidyverse approach.

Hi lars!

Ik doe het even in het nederlands hoor, wel zo makkelijk. :wink:

Het probleem is inmiddels opgelost.
Heb het uiteindelijk zo opgelost:

Method<-c("Mean", "Naive", "Snaive", "Drift", "addf", "mulf", "fit_ar", "fit_sar", "txt", "txc", "txtotaal")
tib<-	as_tibble(cbind(Method,ntb1))

best<-	tib%>%
	pivot_longer(cols = MAE:MASE,names_to = "col_name", values_to = "value") %>% 
  	group_by(col_name) %>% 
  	mutate(lowest_value = min(value)) %>% 
  	filter(value == lowest_value) %>% 
  	select(col_name, Method, lowest_value) 
colnames(best)<- c("KPI", "Best method", "Value")

#>   KPI Best method       Value
#>1 RMSE       Naive 1797.191374
#>2 MAPE       Naive   30.203126
#>3 MASE       Naive    1.873243
#>4  MAE      fit_ar   46.879323

Zonder je hulp was het zeker niet gelukt.



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