Separate field values into columns

# A tibble: 6 × 7
     ID alcohol               germ_aversion time1_determina…¹ time2…² region decis…³
  <dbl> <chr>                         <dbl>             <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>
1     1 Group 2: non-drinkers            16                 5      10 Group…      16
2     2 Group 1: drinkers                22                15      19 Group…      22
3     3 Group 1: drinkers                20                23      27 Group…      20
4     4 Group 2: non-drinkers            11                16      18 Group…      11
5     5 Group 2: non-drinkers            22                21      26 Group…      22
6     6 Group 1: drinkers                14                 8       6 Group…      14
  • I want to separate drinkers and non-drinkers in the alcohol column
  • I have tried using separate(df, alcohol, into = c("drinkers", and "non-drinkers"), sep = " ") but got an eeror.
  • How do i go about it please ?
  • After the manipulation, the alcohol column should be drinkers and non drinkers only

Could you please add an example of how the data frame should look like after the desired manipulation?

Is this what you want?

df <- tibble(alcohol = c("Group 2: non-drinkers","Group 1: drinkers","Group 1: drinkers", "Group 2: non-drinkers", "Group 2: non-drinkers","Group 1: drinkers"))

df %>% 
  mutate(alcohol2 = case_when(alcohol == "Group 1: drinkers" ~ "drinkers",
                              alcohol == "Group 2: non-drinkers" ~ "non-drinkers"))


A tibble: 6 × 2
  alcohol               alcohol2    
  <chr>                 <chr>       
1 Group 2: non-drinkers non-drinkers
2 Group 1: drinkers     drinkers    
3 Group 1: drinkers     drinkers    
4 Group 2: non-drinkers non-drinkers
5 Group 2: non-drinkers non-drinkers
6 Group 1: drinkers     drinkers    

Ah yes Thank you, Thank you!
Alcohol2 column has just drinkers and non-drinkers string values that corresponds with initial alcohol column of group 1 and group 2

That's right, that's it

Here are two additional approaches:

Data <- data.frame(
  id = 1:10,
  alcohol = sample(c('Group 1: drinkers','Group 2: non-drinkers'),10,TRUE)
# using tidyr::separate() as you already tried
library('tidyr'); library('dplyr')

Data |>
  separate(col = alcohol, sep = "Group [1-2]{1}:", into = c('col1','alcohol'), remove = TRUE) |>
#>    id       alcohol
#> 1   1      drinkers
#> 2   2      drinkers
#> 3   3      drinkers
#> 4   4  non-drinkers
#> 5   5      drinkers
#> 6   6  non-drinkers
#> 7   7      drinkers
#> 8   8      drinkers
#> 9   9  non-drinkers
#> 10 10      drinkers
# using stringr::str_remove()
Data |>
    alcohol = str_remove(alcohol,'^Group [12]: ')
#>    id      alcohol
#> 1   1     drinkers
#> 2   2     drinkers
#> 3   3     drinkers
#> 4   4 non-drinkers
#> 5   5     drinkers
#> 6   6 non-drinkers
#> 7   7     drinkers
#> 8   8     drinkers
#> 9   9 non-drinkers
#> 10 10     drinkers

Created on 2022-11-05 with reprex v2.0.2

Kind regards

Thank you. Both approaches worked just fine!

If any of the comments was sufficient to solve your problem, you can accept one of those answers :slight_smile:

Yes Dustin. Thank you!

I think you misunderstood me. There is a little check mark under every answer. Choose the answer which solved your problem and press the checkmark below that. This will indicate your problem has been solved. :slight_smile:

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