- deploying error from AV package and ffmpeg dependency

Hello all,

First time user of the forums so I wanted to say thanks in advance for any help!

I am attempting to deploy an app that uses the package "AV" and specifically the function "av_video_images" to take a video that a user uploads, and then save each frame of the video as a png, and then perform some processing on each frame, and return the results.

The final section of the deploying log (where I believe the error is from not being able to add the PPA for ffmpeg-3) and the subsequent error is stated as:

Processing triggers for dbus (1.10.6-1ubuntu3.4) ...

  • '[' xenial == trusty ']'
  • '[' xenial == xenial ']'
  • add-apt-repository -y ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-3
    Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~jonathonf/ubuntu/ffmpeg-3'.
    The user named '~jonathonf' has no PPA named 'ubuntu/ffmpeg-3'
    Please choose from the following available PPAs:
  • 'ansible': Ansible
  • 'atslang': ATS2 programming language
  • 'backports': Backport collection
  • 'barrier': Barrier
  • 'bazel': Bazel
  • 'byobu': Byobu
  • 'calibre': Calibre
  • 'clementine': Clementine
  • 'compton': Compton
  • 'cpan': Packaged CPAN modules
  • 'cuda': CUDA tools
  • 'debhelper': debhelper
  • 'debhelper-10': debhelper 10
  • 'debhelper-11': debhelper 11
  • 'debhelper-12': debhelper 12
  • 'debhelper-trusty': debhelper for trusty
    GET /v1/tasks/?filter=account_id:177309&filter=parent_id:680355224&count=100&offset=0 359ms
    ################################# End Task Log #################################
    ----- Deployment error -----
    Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 680355224 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1

----- Error stack trace -----
3: stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)
2: client$waitForTask(taskId, quiet)
1: rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/R/pressure_gauge/EspressoVision",
appFileManifest = "C:/Users/Zach/AppData/Local/Temp/3f6a-b4e5-335b-e4fc",
account = "zthalv", server = "", appName = "EspressoVision",
appId = 1627067, launch.browser = function(url) {
message("Deployment completed: ", url)
}, lint = FALSE, metadata = list(asMultiple = FALSE, asStatic = FALSE),
logLevel = "verbose")

If I comment out "library(AV)", then the application deploys with no errors so I think I have isolated the error, but the program is no longer functional as AV is an integral component.

Is this resulting from the servers that runs on not having ffmpeg-3 installed on them? I haven't been able to find a way to manually upload or install this, and am not sure if that would even be supported/allowed on a free account.

Thanks again,

The app dependencies follow:
package version source
1 BH 1.69.0-1 CRAN
2 Cairo 1.5-10 CRAN
3 DBI 1.0.0 CRAN
4 MASS 7.3-51.4 CRAN
5 Matrix 1.2-17 CRAN
6 PET 0.5.1 CRAN
7 R.matlab 3.6.2 CRAN
8 R.methodsS3 1.7.1 CRAN
9 R.oo 1.23.0 CRAN
10 R.utils 2.9.2 CRAN
11 R6 2.4.1 CRAN
12 RColorBrewer 1.1-2 CRAN
13 RImageJROI 0.1.1 CRAN
14 RTriangle 1.6-0.10 CRAN
15 Rcpp 1.0.2 CRAN
16 RcppProgress 0.4.1 CRAN
17 abind 1.4-5 CRAN
18 adimpro 0.9.2 CRAN
19 askpass 1.1 CRAN
20 assertthat 0.2.1 CRAN
21 av 0.3 CRAN
22 awsMethods 1.1-1 CRAN
23 backports 1.1.4 CRAN
24 base64enc 0.1-3 CRAN
25 bmp 0.3 CRAN
26 broom 0.5.2 CRAN
27 callr 3.4.0 CRAN
28 cellranger 1.1.0 CRAN
29 cli 2.0.0 CRAN
30 clipr 0.7.0 CRAN
31 codetools 0.2-16 CRAN
32 colorspace 1.4-1 CRAN
33 crayon 1.3.4 CRAN
34 crosstalk 1.0.0 CRAN
35 curl 4.3 CRAN
36 dbplyr 1.4.2 CRAN
37 deldir 0.1-23 CRAN
38 digest 0.6.23 CRAN
39 downloader 0.4 CRAN
40 dplyr 0.8.3 CRAN
41 ellipsis 0.3.0 CRAN
42 evaluate 0.14 CRAN
43 fansi 0.4.0 CRAN
44 fastmap 1.0.1 CRAN
45 forcats 0.4.0 CRAN
46 foreign 0.8-71 CRAN
47 fs 1.3.1 CRAN
48 generics 0.0.2 CRAN
49 geometry 0.4.5 CRAN
50 ggplot2 3.2.1 CRAN
51 glue 1.3.1 CRAN
52 goftest 1.2-2 CRAN
53 gtable 0.3.0 CRAN
54 haven 2.1.1 CRAN
55 highr 0.8 CRAN
56 hms 0.5.2 CRAN
57 htmltools 0.4.0 CRAN
58 htmlwidgets 1.5.1 CRAN
59 httpuv 1.5.2 CRAN
60 httr 1.4.1 CRAN
61 igraph CRAN
62 imager 0.41.2 CRAN
63 jpeg 0.1-8.1 CRAN
64 jsonlite 1.6 CRAN
65 knitr 1.26 CRAN
66 labeling 0.3 CRAN
67 later 1.0.0 CRAN
68 lattice 0.20-38 CRAN
69 lazyeval 0.2.2 CRAN
70 lifecycle 0.1.0 CRAN
71 linprog 0.9-2 CRAN
72 lpSolve CRAN
73 lubridate 1.7.4 CRAN
74 magic 1.5-9 CRAN
75 magick 2.2 CRAN
76 magrittr 1.5 CRAN
77 manipulateWidget 0.10.0 CRAN
78 markdown 1.1 CRAN
79 mgcv 1.8-28 CRAN
80 mime 0.7 CRAN
81 miniUI CRAN
82 modelr 0.1.5 CRAN
83 munsell 0.5.0 CRAN
84 nlme 3.1-140 CRAN
85 openssl 1.4.1 CRAN
86 pillar 1.4.2 CRAN
87 pixmap 0.4-11 CRAN
88 pkgconfig 2.0.3 CRAN
89 plogr 0.2.0 CRAN
90 plyr 1.8.4 CRAN
91 png 0.1-7 CRAN
92 polyclip 1.10-0 CRAN
93 prettyunits 1.0.2 CRAN
94 processx 3.4.1 CRAN
95 progress 1.2.2 CRAN
96 promises 1.1.0 CRAN
97 ps 1.3.0 CRAN
98 purrr 0.3.2 CRAN
99 readbitmap 0.1.5 CRAN
100 readr 1.3.1 CRAN
101 readxl 1.3.1 CRAN
102 rematch 1.0.1 CRAN
103 reprex 0.3.0 CRAN
104 reshape2 1.4.3 CRAN
105 retistruct 0.6.2 CRAN
106 rgl 0.100.30 CRAN
107 rlang 0.4.0 CRAN
108 rmarkdown 1.18 CRAN
109 rpart 4.1-15 CRAN
110 rstudioapi 0.10 CRAN
111 rvest 0.3.5 CRAN
112 scales 1.0.0 CRAN
113 selectr 0.4-2 CRAN
114 shiny 1.4.0 CRAN
115 shinyjs 1.0 CRAN
116 sourcetools 0.1.7 CRAN
117 sp 1.3-2 CRAN
118 spatstat 1.62-2 CRAN
119 1.4-0 CRAN
120 spatstat.utils 1.15-0 CRAN
121 stringi 1.4.3 CRAN
122 stringr 1.4.0 CRAN
123 sys 3.3 CRAN
124 tensor 1.5 CRAN
125 tibble 2.1.3 CRAN
126 tidyr 1.0.0 CRAN
127 tidyselect 0.2.5 CRAN
128 tidyverse 1.2.1 CRAN
129 tiff 0.1-5 CRAN
130 tinytex 0.18 CRAN
131 ttutils 1.0-1 CRAN
132 utf8 1.1.4 CRAN
133 vctrs 0.2.0 CRAN
134 viridisLite 0.3.0 CRAN
135 webshot 0.5.2 CRAN
136 whisker 0.4 CRAN
137 withr 2.1.2 CRAN
138 xfun 0.11 CRAN
139 xml2 1.2.2 CRAN
140 xtable 1.8-4 CRAN
141 yaml 2.2.0 CRAN
142 zeallot 0.1.0 CRAN

We are tracking this issue, but do not have a timeframe, yet, for a solution.

Hi Josh,

Did some more research and I believe it all originates from:

He removed his public PPA's so ffmpeg isn't set up to be installed on the servers.

Would a solution be to run Shiny from my own server where I could manually install ffmpeg? I'm going to try this now and will report back.


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