Side by Side Boxplots Using ggplot

I've been trying to create side by side boxplots comparing data from two different time periods. I can do this easily in base R.

I cannot discover how to do it in ggplot.

# get tidyverse

# Import test data

                        ~Y_M_D, ~Data_1, ~Data_2, ~Data_3,
                  "2019-03-03",     206,     116,      57,
                  "2019-03-04",     103,     106,      78,
                  "2019-03-05",     199,     120,      84,
                  "2019-03-06",     110,     123,      80,
                  "2019-03-07",     123,     131,      65,
                  "2019-03-08",     145,     144,      76,
                  "2019-03-09",     158,     106,      75,
                  "2019-03-10",     114,     129,      82,
                  "2019-03-11",     166,     115,      55,
                  "2019-03-12",     100,     137,      83
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#>    Y_M_D      Data_1 Data_2 Data_3
#>    <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 2019-03-03    206    116     57
#>  2 2019-03-04    103    106     78
#>  3 2019-03-05    199    120     84
#>  4 2019-03-06    110    123     80
#>  5 2019-03-07    123    131     65
#>  6 2019-03-08    145    144     76
#>  7 2019-03-09    158    106     75
#>  8 2019-03-10    114    129     82
#>  9 2019-03-11    166    115     55
#> 10 2019-03-12    100    137     83
                        ~Y_M_D, ~Data_1, ~Data_2, ~Data_3,
                  "2019-06-01",     162,     135,      66,
                  "2019-06-02",     150,     146,      63,
                  "2019-06-03",     128,     131,      80,
                  "2019-06-04",     101,     123,      82,
                  "2019-06-05",     158,     143,      68,
                  "2019-06-06",     210,     125,      64,
                  "2019-06-07",     195,     120,      77,
                  "2019-06-08",     204,     126,      83,
                  "2019-06-09",     107,     121,      83,
                  "2019-06-10",     179,     144,      57
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#>    Y_M_D      Data_1 Data_2 Data_3
#>    <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 2019-06-01    162    135     66
#>  2 2019-06-02    150    146     63
#>  3 2019-06-03    128    131     80
#>  4 2019-06-04    101    123     82
#>  5 2019-06-05    158    143     68
#>  6 2019-06-06    210    125     64
#>  7 2019-06-07    195    120     77
#>  8 2019-06-08    204    126     83
#>  9 2019-06-09    107    121     83
#> 10 2019-06-10    179    144     57
timeframe_1 <- test_file <- read_excel("~/Downloads/test_file.xlsx",
                        sheet = "time_one")
 timeframe_2 <- test_file <- read_excel("~/Downloads/test_file.xlsx",
                                      sheet = "time_two")
#> tibble::tribble(
#>         ~Y_M_D, ~Data_1, ~Data_2, ~Data_3,
#>   "2019-03-03",     206,     116,      57,
#>   "2019-03-04",     103,     106,      78,
#>   "2019-03-05",     199,     120,      84,
#>   "2019-03-06",     110,     123,      80,
#>   "2019-03-07",     123,     131,      65,
#>   "2019-03-08",     145,     144,      76,
#>   "2019-03-09",     158,     106,      75,
#>   "2019-03-10",     114,     129,      82,
#>   "2019-03-11",     166,     115,      55,
#>   "2019-03-12",     100,     137,      83
#>   )
#> tibble::tribble(
#>         ~Y_M_D, ~Data_1, ~Data_2, ~Data_3,
#>   "2019-06-01",     162,     135,      66,
#>   "2019-06-02",     150,     146,      63,
#>   "2019-06-03",     128,     131,      80,
#>   "2019-06-04",     101,     123,      82,
#>   "2019-06-05",     158,     143,      68,
#>   "2019-06-06",     210,     125,      64,
#>   "2019-06-07",     195,     120,      77,
#>   "2019-06-08",     204,     126,      83,
#>   "2019-06-09",     107,     121,      83,
#>   "2019-06-10",     179,     144,      57
#>   )
# I want a boxplot showing timeframe_1 & timeframe_2 side by side
# displaying values in data_1 column

# I can do this easily in base R. For example:


# How can it be done using ggplot?

Created on 2019-07-08 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Try this

df1 = tibble::tribble(
  ~Y_M_D, ~Data_1, ~Data_2, ~Data_3,
  "2019-03-03",     206,     116,      57,
  "2019-03-04",     103,     106,      78,
  "2019-03-05",     199,     120,      84,
  "2019-03-06",     110,     123,      80,
  "2019-03-07",     123,     131,      65,
  "2019-03-08",     145,     144,      76,
  "2019-03-09",     158,     106,      75,
  "2019-03-10",     114,     129,      82,
  "2019-03-11",     166,     115,      55,
  "2019-03-12",     100,     137,      83

df2 = tibble::tribble(
  ~Y_M_D, ~Data_1, ~Data_2, ~Data_3,
  "2019-06-01",     162,     135,      66,
  "2019-06-02",     150,     146,      63,
  "2019-06-03",     128,     131,      80,
  "2019-06-04",     101,     123,      82,
  "2019-06-05",     158,     143,      68,
  "2019-06-06",     210,     125,      64,
  "2019-06-07",     195,     120,      77,
  "2019-06-08",     204,     126,      83,
  "2019-06-09",     107,     121,      83,
  "2019-06-10",     179,     144,      57

df1 = df1  %>% mutate(dt = 1)
df2 = df2  %>% mutate(dt = 2)
df = rbind(df1,df2) %>% mutate(dt = as.factor(dt))
ggplot(df, aes(x = dt, y = Data_1)) + geom_boxplot()

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Or just:

df <- bind_rows('1' = df1, '2' = df2, .id = 'dt')

Thank you for the suggestion. I won't be able to try it until tomorrow at the earliest.

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