Simulation with Poisson Distribution

Hello. I am trying to perform a Poisson distribution experiment with football scores. I know how to simulate one game with dpois but I want to know how to do the same for an entire football (soccer) season. Please help. Thanks

I would:

  1. Make a vector with the team names
  2. Loop through the combinations of team vs team - calculate the score
    Something like this.
teams <- LETTERS[1:10] # some team names

# loop through matches
points <- setNames(rep(0, length(teams)), teams)
for (team1 in teams){
  for (team2 in setdiff(teams, team1)){
    team1score <- rpois(1, 1)
    team2score <- rpois(1, 1)
    points[[team1]] <- points[[team1]] + ifelse(team1score > team2score, 3, ifelse(team1score == team2score, 1, 0))
    points[[team2]] <- points[[team2]] + ifelse(team2score > team1score, 3, ifelse(team2score == team1score, 1, 0))
print(sort(points, decreasing = TRUE))
#>   I  D  B  E  J  C  F  G  H  A 
#>  35 32 26 24 24 23 23 22 19 17 

Created on 2020-11-11 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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