Slow application

My application is getting slow as it gets larger. I have re-factored the code and it has gained some speed; however is still slow. I am using the open source RStudio server software and my computer has 16 G of memory. I do not believe that this is a memory issue. Could you please suggest ways to improve performance? What should I be looking at? I have used profvis on code blocks, but the performance of each block is almost identical so I cannot find the block problem. On the mean time I am going to try to have the code removing UI components as new components appear. Any input would be appreciated.

hi @giuseppa.cefalu, have you tried to run profvis on the whole shiny application instead of on code blocks?

Hi @giuseppa.cefalu,
what are you exactly doing in your application: handling large datasets or doing some expensive calculations? Do you have global variables or a database connection? It's hard to give you tips how to improve the performance without knowing what you are actually doing.
In general you should at least run profvis on the whole application as mentioned by @ginberg, this will give you an idea where you loose time and speed. Additionally you should check the reactivity in your application - maybe there are some leaks here.
Best regards

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Hi ,
Thank you for your response. From my previous post, "On the mean time I am going to try to have the code removing UI components as new components appear. " This worked. I had many gui components displaying at the same time, which was not necessary. So I once executed a component I removed it, and the following one worked fast. This worked for all the components. I do not know what this is related to since my computer has 16 Gigs of memory. I read something about loading time, but I do not understand what loading time is.

I did but for some reason it did not work. I have implemented the solution that I proposed in my post, "On the mean time I am going to try to have the code removing UI components as new components appear", and everything is working fine now. I do not think this is a memory issue because my computer has 16 gigs of memory. I could be a loading issue, but I do not know what that is.

There was a related talk on this topic at RStudio conference:

Thanks very much for the info. I will take a look.