Suppressing Messages of the Packages for foreach

Hello everyone,

When you use foreach for parallel programming, you need to define packages to every cluster in foreach function. Unfortunately, it shows you messages on console or log file. How can I suppress package messages by using foreach? Also, I want to see other warnings and messages.

Thanks for your help!

One way to suppress package messages when using the foreach package for parallel programming is to use the suppressPackageStartupMessages() function. This function can be used to silence the messages that are typically printed when a package is loaded.

Here is an example of how you might use the suppressPackageStartupMessages() function within a foreach loop:

Copy code


# Register parallel backend
cl <- makeCluster(2)

# Define the packages that will be used in the loop
pkgs <- c("package1", "package2", "package3")

# Use the suppressPackageStartupMessages() function to silence package messages
foreach(i = 1:length(pkgs)) %dopar% {
  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pkgs[i], character.only = TRUE))
  # Perform other operations here

In this example, the suppressPackageStartupMessages() function is used within the foreach loop to silence the messages that are typically printed when the packages in the "pkgs" vector are loaded. This way you will only see the warnings and messages that you want to see.

You can also use the suppressMessages() function to suppress the messages from the entire foreach loop if you want to suppress all the messages during the parallel execution.

Copy code

foreach(i = 1:length(pkgs), .combine = "c") %dopar% {
  suppressMessages(library(pkgs[i], character.only = TRUE))
  # Perform other operations here

Please note that, suppressMessages() function will suppress all the messages during the parallel execution and it will not show any warnings or messages.


@joanmils Thanks for your detailed explanation.

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