switch input is not working properly in Shiny dashboard

I am having trouble with using a switch input to switch between maps in Shiny dashboard. I am using radioGroupButtons as my switch input. However this does not seem to work properly as it only shows the first map once (see gif below).

myMap1 output is only showing once

I have attempted to use other switch inputs like checkboxInput and checkboxGroupButtons but the result remains the same.

Reproducible code

library(recharts); library(echarts4r); library(echarts4r.maps)
library(shiny); library(shinyWidgets); library(shinydashboard)

data_by_region <- data.frame(
  Name = rep("A", 8),
  Region = rep("Northland", 8),
  long = rep(174.3223, 8),
  lat = rep(-35.7047, 8),
  Year = 2013:2020,
  Amount = c(227, 252, 373, 363, 287, 307, 308, 293)

# Remove Chatham Island for echarts4r maps
nz_file <- system.file("New_Zealand.json", package = "echarts4r.maps") 
nz_json <- jsonlite::read_json(nz_file)

# get names of polygons
names <- nz_json$features %>% 
  map("properties") %>% 
  map("name") %>% 

island_index <- grep("Chatham", names)

nz_json$features[[island_index]] <- NULL

ui <- dashboardPage(
   selectInput(inputId = "year", 
                label = "pick a year",
                choices = unique(factor(data_by_region$Year))),
      inputId = "switchMap", label = NULL, justified = TRUE,
      choiceNames = c("Map", "Advanced"),
      choiceValues = c("Map1", "Map2"),
      status = "primary"
    fluidRow(column(6, uiOutput(outputId = "map")))

server = function(input, output, session) {
   output$map <- renderUI({
     if(input$switchMap == "Map1"){
       echarts4rOutput(outputId = "myMap1")
       eChartOutput(outputId = "myMap2")
    output$myMap1 <- renderEcharts4r({
      data_by_year <- data_by_region[data_by_region$Year == req(input$year),]
      data_by_year <- data.frame(data_by_year)
      data_by_year$Region <- factor(data_by_year$Region)
      data_by_year %>%
        e_charts(Region) %>%
        e_map_register("NZ", nz_json) %>%
        e_map(Amount, map = "NZ") %>%
          top = "20%",
          left = "0%",
          inRange = list(color = c("#3366FF","#6699FF", "#66CCFF", "#33CCFF")),
          type = "piecewise",
          splitList = list(
            list(min = 300),
            list(min = 250, max = 300),
            list(min = 100, max = 250),
            list(value = 0, label = "None")
    output$myMap2 <- renderEChart({
      yeardata <- data_by_region[data_by_region$Year == input$year, ]

      top5dat <- as.data.frame(yeardata) %>% top_n(5)

      top5dat <- data.frame(top5dat)

      names(top5dat) <- c('Family', 'name', 'lng', 'lat', 'Year', 'value')

      echartr(NULL, type='map_world', subtype = 'New Zealand') %>%
        addMP(series = 'Top 5',
              data = top5dat,
              symbol = 'pin',
              symbolSize = JS('function (v) {return 10 + v/50;}'),
              effect = list(show = TRUE),
              itemStyle = list(normal = itemStyle(color = "#EE82EE"))
        ) %>%
        addGeoCoord(top5dat[, c('name', 'lng', 'lat')]) %>%
        setToolbox(show = FALSE) %>%
        setSeries(hoverable = FALSE, itemStyle=list(
          normal = itemStyle(
            labelStyle = labelStyle(color="#EE82EE"),
            borderColor = 'rgba(100,149,237,1)', borderWidth = 0.5,
            areaStyle = areaStyle(color='#1b1b1b')))) %>%
        setLegend(show = FALSE) %>%
        setTitle('Advanced map', 'Fictious Data', pos = 11)

shinyApp(ui, server)

Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

I think the package is simply bugged, with its javascript implementation...
checking the web console shows going to map2 causes
VM2133:7 Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined
VM2135:97 Uncaught ReferenceError: CodeMirror is not defined
and then back to map1
VM2116:33 Uncaught TypeError: echarts.registerMap is not a function

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