Testing for interactions using the Aligned Rank Transformation test (non-parametric two-way ANOVA)

Hello all:

I am completing an aligned rank transformation as follows, using the 'ARTool' package:

model = art(Proportioncorrect~Trialtype+Method+Trialtype:Method,data=Cummulativecounting)

I have two factors (independent variables), being Method and Trial type
My dependent variable is the proportion of correct trials (Proportioncorrect)


Analysis of Variance of Aligned Rank Transformed Data

Table Type: Anova Table (Type III tests) 
Model: No Repeated Measures (lm)
Response: art(Proportioncorrect)

                   Df Df.res F value     Pr(>F)    
1 Trialtype         1     26 41.1793 8.4687e-07 ***
2 Method            1     26  8.6554  0.0067722  **
3 Trialtype:Method  1     26  5.3010  0.0295733   *
Signif. codes:   0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

I want to test for an interaction between these two factors
I have tried the following command, which I know is testing contrasts between contrasts:

testInteractions(artlm(model, "Trialtype:Method"), pairwise=c("Trialtype", "Method"),adjust="bonferroni")

F Test:
P-value adjustment method: bonferroni
                                        Value Df Sum of Sq     F  Pr(>F)
Beaconed-Probe : Counting-Not-counting 17.667  1    374.53 5.301 0.02957 *
Residuals                                     26   1837.00
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

However, I want to compare the results for Trial Type across Method.

However, when I try the formula below using the 'phia' package:

(testInteractions(model, pairwise="Method" ,across="Trialtype",adjust="bonferroni")

I get this error: Error in terms.default(model) : no terms component nor attribute

Would anybody be kind enough to give me a helping hand?

Here is my raw data:

structure(list(ID = c("P_200214123342", "P_200224092247", "P_200219163622", 
"P_200220130332", "P_200219091823", "P_200225184226", "P_200219123120", 
"P_200219175102", "P_200214103155", "P_200219111605", "P_200217101213", 
"P_200219102411", "P_200221101028", "P_200220145557", "P_200225171612", 
"P_200224092247", "P_200219163622", "P_200220130332", "P_200214123342", 
"P_200219091823", "P_200225184226", "P_200219123120", "P_200219175102", 
"P_200214103155", "P_200219111605", "P_200217101213", "P_200219102411", 
"P_200221101028", "P_200220145557", "P_200225171612"), Trialtype = c("Beaconed", 
"Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", 
"Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Beaconed", 
"Beaconed", "Beaconed", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", 
"Probe", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", "Probe", 
"Probe", "Probe", "Probe"), Proportioncorrect = c(66.666667, 
97.333333, 66.666667, 88, 54.666667, 92, 97.333333, 90.666667, 
96, 90.666667, 96, 90.666667, 96, 96, 93.333333, 29.333333, 16, 
14.666667, 6.666667, 8, 16, 13.333333, 21.333333, 16, 26.666667, 
33.333333, 24, 21.333333, 62.666667, 93.333333), Method = c("Counting", 
"Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", 
"Not-counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", 
"Counting", "Not-counting", "Not-counting", "Counting", "Counting", 
"Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Not-counting", 
"Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Counting", "Not-counting", 
"Not-counting")), row.names = c(NA, -30L), class = "data.frame")

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