The INSPIRE U2 Program: Student Reflections on Data Science Training

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This is a guest post from Kathleen Bostic (Spelman College) and Michel Ruiz-Fuentes (Smith College), participants in the INSPIRE U2 summer site directed by Dr. A. Nayena Blankson. The INSPIRE U2 Program provides a learning pathway for underrepresented female students to enter advanced degrees and careers in statistical fields. Learn more in our previous blog post and on the program website.
Navigating Leadership and Learning Through RStudio Kathleen Bostick I served as the Junior Mentor for the INSPIRE U2 Scholars.

I have been following the activities of U2 for a long time, and I admire the organizers insanely. Very few places listen to students, and this is important because students have something to say and can give the right tips to teachers and those who are going to enroll. I am a medical student and have not found a suitable portal for my specialty. The only thing that pleased me was the blog of the same medical student who tells essential and valuable items for admission and training. Thanks to his blog, I correctly built a plan for studying the material, understood that it is possible to combine study and work, and much more.

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