The system cannot find the file specified.

when i press
alt + enter at a line in a *.R or *.Rmd" file, the lower left panel
in RStudio switches from "Console" to "Terminal", and responds, "The
system cannot find the file specified." However, when you copy the line
from the R or Rmd file and paste it into the Console, it works as it

Thanks for your help

Are you using the shortcut for sending to Terminal not console ? CTRL + ALT + ENTER is for sending to terminal.

Know that if you are using the AltGr + Enter, it is equivalent to Ctrl + Alt + Enter.

by the way, The command machine.age <- 4 means nothing to windows terminal hence the error. But I think you know that :slight_smile:

Sending to the R console is CTRL + ENTER most often or Alt + Enter but not AltGr.

Hope it helps

when I tried <CTRL + ENTER>; or <ALT + ENTER>;at a line in a *.R or *.Rmd" file, the lower left panel
in RStudio switches from "Console" to "Terminal", and responds, "The
system cannot find the file specified".
I did this under windows 7 Business with Rstudio version 1.1.463.0 inside R 3.5.2. I am from Nicaragua, most of these results were obtained with a Spanish-language keyboard, but you also tried an English (US-International) keyboard, and got the same results.

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